How to present your work to your subordinate employees

In this article, I'm going to talk about "How to present your work to your subordinate employees". This is not directly related to production engineering, but I would like to talk about a few things I was consciously doing at the time.


The situation in the company at the time (how the upper management worked and how the younger generation worked)

The company I was working for at the time was a "black" company and I worked like mad. I worked there for more than 10 years, but I felt like I worked for 1.5 times longer than actual. After the first five to six years, we were basically just doing the same job over and over. Although the scale of the work changed, when we split up the work into smaller pieces, what we were doing was the same.

Because we were hiring new employees every year, there were so many young talent. About three years after I joined the company, the internal structure of the company began to change gradually, and a more relaxed atmosphere was created. (Though my personal work did not give me that kind of relaxed time at all.)

Some of the younger employees refused to travel to overseas factories after they experienced hard work there. Also, the upper management level seemed to be working even on weekends, and they were busy as if they were workaholics. The company I was working for at the time was that kind of company, and no one would want to be promoted because of it.

Demonstrate the way we should work by our behavior

I was also keeping busy, but I was aware of the following. One reason was that I wanted to live that kind of life myself. Another reason was that I needed to show that kind of work style to others.

  1. Work smart
  2. Demonstrate high technical competence
  3. Problem analysis and solution proposals

We'll take a closer look at them one by one.

1. Work smart

This is about work hours. I hated unnecessary overtime. I would work overtime if there was a reasonable reason for it, but I thought it was just a waste of time to read the atmosphere around me to decide when to go home. (*I should emphasize, I was in a much busier situation than others at the time.)

I arrived at work before 7:00 a.m. and usually got home by 6:00 p.m. I was able to work on my computer even at home if needed, or make phone calls. There was no need for me to stay in the office to do any office work.

If necessary, I would come back to work again after I got home. If I had to cover a night shift, I tried to cover the night shift without straining myself by delaying my arrival at work, instead of coming in the morning and working overtime.

Even if I was going to work on the weekend, I would just decide what to do and then go home when I finished. I concentrated on working weekends with the intention of working a half-day to get the work done.

Thanks to this, my overtime hours are incomparably less than those of others. This is my personal theory. you'll get more work done if you focus on your work in the morning. Working overtime when you are exhausted cannot be efficient.

I think people could see how I was able to get the job done without being overwhelmed. This would encourage them to try to work like that person.

2. Demonstrate high technical competence

When I worked as an engineer, it was my job to solve problems. My colleagues at that time often came to me to ask me about equipment-related and defect-related issues. If something went wrong and couldn't be resolved in 30 minutes to an hour, there didn't seem to be anything that they could do about it. Even if it takes a long time, it would be better if they have a clue, but if it is out of control, it is a wise decision to give up on it early.

In the case of equipment problems, we look inside the program and examine the signals. In the case of a defective problem, the only way to find out is to understand the structure and characteristics of the product and examine them one by one. Depending on the nature of the problem, it often took hours for them to solve problems although those could be easily solved in 10-15 minutes by expert.

The only way to gain someone's trust is to get them to recognize your value. This is the same idea I have in mind when evaluating others. If a person cannot show me that he is competent, then that person's reputation will not be raised.

3. Problem analysis and solution proposals

When you watch other people's work and decisions, you will notice some strange things. If you are involved in project, we must avoid making mistakes as a team. In the case of young people, I would let them try it first and check the content. If the content was wrong or lacking in some areas, I would point it out.

If they couldn't seem to solve the problem, I suggested a solution.

It's a common bad example in meetings that there are plenty of people who talk about things that aren't coherent and distract from the discussion, but most of them don't have an opinion of their own and don't have an alternative plan.

This makes no sense to hold a meeting with a large number of people tied up in time. If there are no alternative suggestions, then you shouldn't make the comments themselves. Anyone can make a simple comment.


These are things I was aware of when I was working. The point is to work with an image of the person that others would aim for. No one wants to be a manager who lives a life like a work slave. No one is attracted to old people who only criticise other people's opinions, either. Colleagues and subordinates are only disappointed when they see the work of senior engineers who can't solve a problem.

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