site owner information

・site owner:Suzuki (age:30s)
・contact:twitter (@suzukitakeshi19)


I have worked in the manufacturing industry for over 10 years. As a production engineer in the automotive industry, I have worked in many different places and with many different people in Asia, North America and Europe, both on and off-site, including oversea life in those countries. Therefore, I have better understanding of both Japanese and other countries culture.

site purpose

Based on my personal thoughts and experience, I send out information for younger generation and other engineers. The main themes are production engineering things.

This site is entirely written and programmed by myself, using following.

While learning, experimenting, periodically adding features and improving the convenience for users.If you visit this site regularly, take a look at those features and the difference in appearance.

Comment and Question

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. in case of question, please include the following information.
- name
- reply address
- title of the article
- detail of quetsion